i am financial knowledge

Student enrollment by race and ethnicity.

career academy

Student enrollment by race and ethnicity.

At Youthentity we strive to serve all youth regardless of their socioeconomic backgrounds.

During the 2021-2022 academic year, over 5,770 students were served from 81 schools across 30 counties in Colorado through our personal financial literacy program called I Am Financial Knowledge.

57% of the students served identified themselves as people of color.

49% or 40 of the schools served were Title I schools.

Youthentity’s Career Academy program for high school students gives youth the opportunity to explore careers, earn industry certifications, and college credits, and develop social capital by engaging with the many industry professionals that support this program, all while bolstering their social-emotional well-being. Career Academy is an after-school program that teens choose to enroll in.

Since we began offering career programs to teens, 67% of the students who choose Youthentity are people of color; the 2021-2022 academic year was no exception.


youthentity and our community

In our immediate community, around 32% of the adults and 59% of the youths identify as people of color. In order to better reflect the community we serve, we have set inclusion and diversity goals for our Board of Directors and staff.

  • By 2025, 33% of our Board of Directors will be people of color and 50% will be women.

  • By year-end 2025, 50% of our staff will be people of color with an emphasis on 3/4-time to full-time positions in key decision-making roles.

As we reach our goals we will continue to fine-tune our organization. We want all students to see themselves in Youthentity.