Career Development Programs

Youthentity provides youth career development programs for students in elementary, middle and high schools school in Garfield, Pitkin and Mesa counties. Our mission is to expose kids to a variety of career options so that they can explore industries and jobs that interest them. Elementary and middle school students may participate in our career workshops and fairs, while high school students may join our for-credit culinary, hospitality, construction and animal and human health programs.

How can I enroll my child in a middle or elementary school career exploration workshop?

Check with your school to see if Junior Career Academy (formerly called My Career, My Life) is scheduled at your school. If it is not offered, please email Naomi Peters to inquire about scheduling a Junior Career Academy workshop at your child's school.

How can I enroll in high school Career Academy programs?

If you are currently enrolled in high school, please visit the Career Academy registration page, along with the Parent/Guardian Permission form. Please email Peter Barclay with questions.

How much does it cost to participate in Youthentity's for-credit high school Career Academy program tracks?

Tuition is $100. If you are interested in these programs, but find it too challenging to cover tuition costs, please reach out to us about Youthentity scholarships.

What is the duration of Career Academy program tracks?

Career Academy classes run for a full academic year.


Financial Literacy Programs

Youthentity’s financial literacy programs aim to teach kids the concepts of credit, interest, investment, loans and more. Our financial literacy programs are co-sponsored by Alpine Bank, and are facilitated in schools free of charge.

I’m a teacher who would like to include a financial literacy program in my class curriculum. What steps should I take?

Please email our Financial Literacy Program Director Stephanie Stahle to determine your class's needs and schedule a workshop day that fits with your schedule.

How can I enroll my child in a Youthentity Financial Literacy program?

To find out if your school offers any of our financial literacy programs (I Am Financial Knowledge I & II, Banking On Your Future) contact your school administrator. You may also email our Financial Literacy Program Director Stephanie Stahle.


The Organization

What is Youthentity, and who do they serve

Youthentity offers career development and financial literacy program for kids. We have several different programs for high school students in career development; as well, we also offer a career day workshop for elementary and middle school students. Our financial literacy programs are offered for 5th and 8th grade students, as well as high school students.

How can I donate to Youthentity’s mission?

Thank you for helping to further our mission of youth financial literacy and career skills development! To donate, please visit our donation page.

Is Youthentity a nonprofit?

Yes, we are a 501c non-profit.

Was Youthentity once called Computers For Kids?

Yes, we began as Computers For Kids before adopting the name Youthentity.

How can I receive Youthentity news, event notifications and enrollment dates?

Sign up for our newsletter via the form at the bottom of this page!

Where does Youthentity operate/which counties are served by YE programs?

Our financial literacy programs are facilitated in 5 Colorado counties (and growing!): Mesa, Pitkin, Eagle, Garfield, and Summit. Our middle and elementary school career exposure programs are held in Mesa, Garfield and Pitkin counties; high school Career Academy programs are offered to students throughout the Roaring Fork Valley school district.


Youthentity + Local Businesses

Youthentity partners with business who care about investing in their community’s kids while developing a strong, competent workforce, and who believe in the power of purpose. Our business alliance is composed of business leaders who donate to Youthentity’s purpose with supplies, funds, or volunteers.

I’m a business owner interested in helping to further Youthentity’s mission. What’s the best way to do that?

Please email Meghan Grabow to discuss how we can work together to prepare the future workforce.

Does my business have to fall into a certain industry/category in order to work with Youthentity?

We hope to expand our career development programs into a variety of industries, and aim to partner with as many local businesses as possible to provide our students with a diverse offering for internships and career development workshops. Please get in touch to determine how your business can get involved!


Volunteering with Youthentity

I would love to volunteer for Youthentity. What’s the protocol?

Thank you for your interest! Youthentity's Financial Literacy programs often need volunteers for in-classroom sessions. Please contact our Financial Literacy Program Director, Stephanie Stahle, at stephanie@youthentity.org. To become a Career Coach with Junior Career Academy middle and elementary school students, contact Naomi at naomi@youthentity.org.