Parent/Guardian Permission Form


Step 2

Parental/Guardian consent is required for participation in Youthentity’s Career Academy & YE University. By agreeing to the statements and submitting the form below, you confirm that parental/guardian consent has been given for participation in Youthentity programs.


I hereby give permission for my child to participate in the Youthentity program and occasional field trips that may be offered with advance parental written permission. I am aware that it is not possible to foresee and prevent all potential losses arising from indoor and outdoor activities. Knowing the risks and dangers, I understand the possible consequences of my child participating in activities during program participation. By signing below, I hereby agree to allow my child to participate in all activities with full knowledge that there are real risks of loss inherent in it. By signing below I expressly assume on behalf of my child all risk of injury associated with participation in program activities. I hereby give my consent for any emergency anesthesia, surgery, hospitalization or other medical treatments that might become necessary for my child. As my child’s parent or legal guardian, I hereby agree to take full financial responsibility for any such care. I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge, my child has the necessary mental and physical skills and ability to participate in the activity. As the child’s parent or guardian, I assume full responsibility for my child for bodily injury and loss of personal property and expenses thereof.

I understand that my child will be required to follow instructions and abide by the program rules and reasonable safety procedures. I understand that Youthentity reserves the right to refuse to allow my child to participate in part or all of the activities if they are determined to be incapable of participating safely. Youthentity also reserves the right to expel students due to behavioral concerns. I grant Youthentity permission to communicate with Roaring Fork School District employees about student performance and behavior during Youthentity programs.

As further consideration for my child’s participation in this program, I (for myself and my spouse {if any} and on behalf of my child) do hereby fully and forever waive and release Youthentity from each and every claim, suit, action or cause of action of any kind or nature that may arise or be assertable in any way whatsoever relating to my child’s participation in this program, and further, I shall fully and forever defend, indemnify and hold harmless Youthentity from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, liabilities, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, judgments, costs and expenses (including court costs and attorneys’ fees) in any way whatsoever arising out of or relating to my child’s participation in this event.

I have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions stated herein and acknowledge that this agreement shall be effective and binding upon my child & me during the entire period of participation in the program.

Provide further details about yourself (emergency contacts, date of birth, school, ethnicity, allergies, etc.)


Submit payment for Career Academy. Tuition of $200 includes all class materials for Structure Design & Construction and Culinary Arts & Hospitality. Health Occupations and Animal Care tuition is $50 for each semester.

If you need financial assistance with the tuition please reach out to Youthentity directly at 970.963.4055